As predicted at the beginning of 2023, I did not make any significant progress in 2023 :(. It did not seem feasible but I was still hoping . So what did I do in 2023 ?
- I found a feasible mechanism for learning, but since learning is not a single step process, would be better to rephrase and say that I only have a step of the process of learning, however I consider that to be a significant step. That would have been significant progress if I could test it properly. Identifying 2 inputs in a simplistic set up is not even proof enough that the theory works, yet I still think it does.
- I now have a theory for what should LTP/D accomplish. I spent more then 3 months only on this, but I’m nowhere close to proving it as being good or bad. As far as I can tell, this is a must, because high frequency and multiple synapses are making the output unreliable.
So in terms of algorithms, that’s it… Does not seem much, the year has gone by very fast it seems. In terms of programming I made more progress, but programming it’s an empty shell. I moved to cython and dearpygui and also created an additional GUI interface to work with very few neurons, but in a more easy to understand way.
What’s the plan for 2024 ?
I need to clarify LTP/D.. IF I can do this, then I can do many more interesting things, even have significant progress.. Yup… I think this year is possible to have significant progress… But I will not do anything else till I have this done. I gave up on all the other possible approaches.. no more programming, no more network. Only a single neuron with different number of inputs and different frequencies..